Lissencephaly is considered a rare disease, which often means there is not much information known about it. This is usually the case because doctors and researchers do not see many people with lissencephaly, which makes it hard to learn from them through observations or large studies. If you are exhausted and mushy-brained, it is a clear sign you are doing too much. Outsource, delegate, ask for help and carefully consider whether you have the capacity to take on that next thing. Work out what is manageable and make sure joy, rest and relaxation are non-negotiables, rather than being rudely shoved to the bottom of your to-do list. If this all seems extremely scary, it may also be time to stop measuring your self-worth by your level of productivity.

Based on the results, your doctor will determine whether to investigate further. Other diagnostic tools may include imaging tests to look inside the body, like X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or computerized tomography (CT) scans. In fact, recent sober house research has found that adult and teen brains work differently. Adults think with the prefrontal cortex, the brain’s rational part. This is the part of the brain that responds to situations with good judgment and an awareness of long-term consequences.

Hormonal changes and mental fuzziness

The second reason heavy alcohol consumption causes thiamine deficiency is because alcohol prevents the liver from working properly. The alcohol will prevent the liver from converting the thiamine into a usable form. This causes the body to not be able to have enough thiamine to properly function. A thiamine deficiency can happen for a number of reasons including autoimmune diseases and malnutrition, but chronic consumption of large amounts of alcohol is the most common cause of thiamine deficiency. When it comes to alcoholism and the health problems it can cause, liver diseases, such as cirrhosis, hepatitis, or fatty liver, and changes in personality or moods are often the first things that come to mind. What people tend to not think about, or might not even know about, is a condition known as wet brain.

  • Most patients see improvement in their physical and mush brain cognitive functioning within several weeks.
  • If possible, it is best to have a regular sleep routine and avoid screen time and stimulating substances before hitting the hay.
  • This wise part of the brain allows us to deal with subtlety and context, consider others’ feelings and make nuanced, rational decisions.
  • At Parsley Health , doctors routinely check Free T4, Total T4, Free T3, Reverse T3, anti-TPO antibodies, and anti-thyroglobulin to assess your thyroid health.

You should let your doctor know about other symptoms you might have. For example, someone with hypothyroidism may have brain fog along with hair loss, dry skin, weight gain, or brittle nails. If you notice brain fog while taking medication, talk with your doctor. Brain fog may be a known side effect of these medications, according to 2021 research. Lowering your dosage or switching to another drug may improve your symptoms.

Signs and Symptoms of Wet Brain

Sometimes talking may not help -you may just need a hug and for someone else to clean the kitchen. If you are struggling to sleep, you will find a range of helpful guided mindfulness exercises in Session 9 of the Brain Food section or by downloading the Mindarma companion app. Multi-tasking is really just divided attention and constantly switching back and forth puts a rather large strain on the brain. When we mindfully work on one thing at a time, we can concentrate far better and often enter a state of flow.

However, some people seem to have been experiencing more chronic and ongoing low-grade inflammation and damage to cells, known as oxidative stress. Someone with wet brain may not be getting enough thiamine in their diet or may be participating in activities that cause them not to absorb vitamin B1 properly. Alcohol use can make it difficult for the body to absorb thiamine even when it is present in the diet. Wet brain can lead to coma and death, with up to 20% of people with wet brain dying from the condition. Up to 80% of those who survive the first stage of wet brain will go on to develop the symptoms of Korsakoff’s psychosis. The level of brain damage that occurs with wet brain is directly correlated to how much and how often someone drinks.

Who is Most at Risk of Developing Wet Brain?

It may come down to how moms devote  their energy to take care of their newborns. So while you may misplace your phone, you know a “feed me” cry from an “I want attention” cry and you could likely rattle off the times your baby fed today and how many poops you cleaned up. They adapt as we learn new things, experience challenges and, yes, become moms.

mush brain

Taking time away from regular responsibilities can be incredibly healing. Book in a break where you can rediscover rest, take time out for wonder and enjoy whatever else it is that fills you up. For some, a long weekend away may be enough to recharge the batteries, but for others it may take an extended time away to properly rest, recover and re-centre. Make sure to book in restorative breaks well ahead, so that you don’t get stuck on the treadmill of constant doing.

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